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Song: Here

This song was written pretty much in two sittings. I am not a real banjo player, but the banjo was in my hands when the words came and I’m glad it was. This is the second draft of the song, recorded live into my phone on the deck of our place in Western North Carolina as the fog rolled in on the morning of June 2, 2023. Splint the rooster provided a few notes on this one too.

Here (with you)

I was out of my mind when I called you
but I cried and I stuttered it out
Fell asleep in my tears and when morning appeared
slipped my boots on and stumbled out

The light fell on me like a blanket
and peace was above and below
In the whispering trees
and the honking of geese
and the treetops aglow

I never expected to be here
’cause I heard there’s no going back
I never imagined I’d find you in the mountains
after all these years

Holy, holy
your holiness is drawing me in

Mercy, mercy
I have nothing to offer you

Softly, softly
you are whispering to me

With you, with you
I am glad to be here

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