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TV Series I’ve watched

The other day i was thinking of all the hours i’ve spent watching TV series over the years. For awhile, I was watching a lot of TV, and now I rarely do. I thought it’d be fun to make a list of all the shows I remember watching and mark down whether I regret watching or not and would recommend the show to others. Here’s the list!

A word on recommendations – it’s a Yes to someone interested in the genre. If you don’t like gritty drug/crime dramas I wouldn’t recommend “Breaking Bad” (for example).

24NNot S1-S2Season 1-2
30 RockNNoNo
Arrested DevelopmentY+NoYes
Avatar the last AirbenderYNoYes
Black MirrorNNoYes
Boardwalk EmpireNNoHmm
Bob’s BurgersNYesNo
Breaking BadYNoYes
Curb Your EnthusiasmN+NoYes
Doctor WhoNNoHmm
Downton AbbeyNNoNo
Family GuyNNoHmm
Flight of the ConchordsY+NoYes
Freaks and GeeksY+NoYes
Gilmore GirlsNNoNo
HeroesNNot S1No
House of CardsNNoHmm
How to with John WilsonNNoS1
Iron FistYYesNo
Jessica JonesYNoNo
Mad MenNNoYes
Mr. RobotNNoNo
One Punch ManNNoYes
Orange is the New BlackNYesNo
Orphan BlackNNoNo
Party DownYNoYes
Peaky BlindersNYesNo
Project RunwaynaNoHmm
Regular ShowYNoYes
Rick and MortyYNoYes
SiloYNoSo Far
Six Feet UnderY+NoYes
Steven UniverseY+NoHmm
Stranger ThingsNNoNo
Ted LassoY+NoYes
The AmericansNNoNo
The Good PlaceNYesNo
The OANYesNo
The Office (UK)YNoNo
The PunisherYNoNo
The WireY+NoYes
Top ChefnaNoHmm
True BloodNYesNo
True DetectiveNNoS1
Twin Peaks (follow up)YNoNo
Twin Peaks (orig)Y+NoYes
Unbreakable Kimmy SchmidtNYesNo
Veronica MarsYNoNo
Wanda VisionYNoNo

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Designing a disc golf course

Decided to design and build out a short disc golf course on our property. I came up with a design for a 7 hole course using 5 baskets. Here’s the design I’m going (until I change my mind).

To build this out, I first used a google map application to rough in the course lines on a satellite image. This was a great way to get a sense for distances on the terrain without a lot of fuss. I ended up with this:

Last night the weather was pretty good so I went out with a couple of discs to play test the layout. I took my phone and logged GPS markers for where I thought the tees and holes should be. I made some changes along the way and took my new maps and points into consideration for creating the final plan.

I then imported the new GPS course points and used a couple of maps to re-draw the course as an illustration. I calculated the final distance and elevation change for each hole. For this course, i won’t construct tee pads but I plan to make signs at each tee with nice illustrations.

Now to buy the first set of baskets!

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