more interested in being than improving these days
The Grocer: summer 2007
Published August 8, 2007
More works by The Grocer from the summer of 2007.
Row of Apples at the Pontiac on Damen near Milwaukee. 2007 Avocado sketch. 2007Avocado on Halsted near 16th. 2007Cherry sketch.Cherry, on Milwaukee near North Ave. 2007Cherry, on Milwaukee near North Ave. 2007Kiwis, on Hoyne at North Ave. 2007Kiwis, on Hoyne at North Ave. 2007Beet. On Milwaukee near Western. 2007Avocado. Damen Ave Blue Line station. 2007Cut Watermelon. Milwuakee Ave near Racine. 2007Avocado, evolving with the property. 2007